Friday, 4 September 2015

Get a Free Gift

Get you free gift today

On the internet there is a system the every marketer of any product will know about its called keywords.

There are millions of dollars poured into searching for strategic key words.

 Keywords are kept by search engine providers that can give details of how many people searched any given word on any given day on the internet world wide this information is gold to the business world.

If a marketer can get the right keyword and then grab the domain name for that key word they can make tens of millions of dollars with a good product that there is a demand for.

An example of one of the most sought after keywords is weight loss, for the marketing of related products in the industry.

Weight loss is one of the most popular searchers on the net at this time .

That is why there is such a scramble to get certain domain names and mega bucks change hands for certain keywords.

Another two of the most popular key words on the net are "sex" also "FREE".  .
There are tens of millions of search's for those key word weekly.

Clearly people all over the world love free stuff, [as well as sex ].

 There is a free gift that God gives and that is eternal life in heaven with our heavenly father for all eternity this is found in the person of Jesus Christ.

 This gift is there for all who will receive it by faith.

 You don't have to be a good person ,do good works ,you can not earn it and there is no point in trying to sort your life out to receive .
  That will come as part of the gift also
 You can receive Gods gift by asking in faith would you turn down the greatest free gift on the you have found through the internet today to day.?

John John 3:16 [KJV]
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, [Jesus] that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God Bless Max Lines dip BS [Biblical Studies ].

To help with the development of further content ,web pages and a new a beater web site  and evangelism you can donate if you so feel lead by the Lord to do so thank you .
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.