Friday, 1 January 2016

Growing in God

Growing in God

Do you wont to grow ?

Over the last 9 months i have set a goal of doing one hour bible study a day 7 days a week .
I set a alarm count down and eliminate as many of life's distractions cell phone off check land line off check .
The worst distraction I find is the computer and cell phone's or to most probably iPhone but I don't have one at this point in time .

I lead a busy life raising my 9 year old grandson as a solo granddad .
Cooking shopping washing cleaning also playing trumpet on the street and transporting to from school looking after two dogs a cat and some pet birds .
I have other interests and help other people also that come across my path .
Also write those bog posts.
like most of us in the west life is very busy .
Hay I understand were your at .

I can do this .

Well most days I do my one hour study some time I only make a half hour .
But the more I do this the more of a habit it becomes there is discipline involved .
As I am getting older 63 it keeps my mind sharp my spirit on fire for God and my soul well feed spiritually .
I have been reading the bible for 35 years and every time I study its like going to a river to pan for gold and every now and then finding new nuggets of truth is a real delight as the holy spirit reveals them to me .

If I can do this so can you !

Maybe you can set a new goal now for this year 2017 .

Friend I don't know how busy your life is or what your personal circumstances are, but there is one thing I can tell you regular studies of Gods word the bible will enrich your life and change you from the inside out .
You will never get the spiritual food you need to grow looking at some game on a computer screen watching TV or staring blankly at a IPhone .
I have a lot of concerns for our younger folk who are now becoming Christian s will they grow ?

God communicates to humanity through a few different ways but one of the primarily is with out doubt through his word the bible .
   Matthew 4:4
.  But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
We need GOOD food for the natural body but we need GOOD food for our spirit .
Make sure you do not neglect your spiritual vitamins daily .
Personally i love my studies time and my soul  and spirit is growing fat and that's the way i like it .
I hope you will to please be encouraged to read and study your bible .


 “The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.” (Prov 20:4)

Ask yourself '' If a calamity comes today will I be ready will my lamp be filled with oil ''?

If your life is not bearing fruit for God this could be one of the reasons .
I do not won't to be a condemning judgmental Christian and I only preach what I practice myself .
 I just find it so sad that countless millions are missing out on such a tressure don't be one of those .
 Today I challenge you to make the change .
God Bless you all .
Max Lines dip BS [ Biblical study's ]