Tuesday, 12 April 2016

The Great Treasure Hunt


Were is Your Treasure ?


 How to Find True and Real treasure . 

Christian do you really treasure your faith in Jesus Christ and your relationship with our heavenly father  ?
Thinking on this today .
 This world and every thing in it will one day pass away the bible tells us over and over .
Sure enjoy it but don't set your heart on it its all temporal set your heart on the eternal things .
Jesus put it this way .

Matthew 6:21
                                        For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Ask your self the following .
Has your car ,money . home , family , talent , become your treasure ?
Well I have bad news for you my friend all the above and more are temporal and will pass away one day ..
The Bible states this many times .
Take some time to sit down and think about were your at right now with your walk with God .
 Ask your self this, is Christ really the Lord of my life is he the most central figure I love and adore ? 
Am I really putting God first above all else ?

Don't be robbed

I have done my reality check just one hour ago .
I Never write or post on anything that I will not practice myself .
That's the reason you will not see a post on fasting here at this time not a strong point in my life .
So I can say yes God is my greatest treasure , like you there is a heap of other stuff I love in this life Nothing wrong with enjoying family friends music art ,sport, show's ,Pets ,good food and even your I phone but is it in its rightful place ?
Is there anything that totally dominates Your Thinking Out Side of God's things ?
Is there any thing you have allowed to take over your thoughts thinking and time so that you no longer have time for God ?

I might be a bit confronting But we are Iron and the scripture say's Iron sharpens iron - You keep me sharp and ill keep you sharp it's biblical .  
So back to our subject who or what have we set our affections on at the top of the list ?
Don't be robbed especially by our materialist western greedy culture .
Matthew 13:45-46 New King James Version (NKJV)
The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,
  46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

What is number One in Your Life ? 

Keep your focus and thoughts on the lover of your soul who sent his very own son to die and pay the price for your salvation .
John 3.16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only son [Jesus ] That whoso ever believes in him will not perish but have ever lasting life .
If this article has stirred your heart today and you know God is not number one in your life then put it right with God repent and ask him to forgive you and then build on that foundation one thing God loves to do is restore the heart of man to himself
Cry out to God as the psalms cry out .
Create in Me a Clean heart o God and renew a right spirit within me .
Right now you can make this resolution to put him first .
It between him and you its private you don't need to be embarrassed and tell the world just as they say ''Do it ''. 

How to Find Christ & make him Lord & become a Christian click this link

God Bless Max Lines