Sunday, 6 March 2016

Jesus Is Busy Building His Chruch .


Jesus will build his Church

What is his Church ? 

 The truth is that Jesus's is building his church as he said he would in  Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto you, That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.
This raise's a lot of question's what is it ? Were is it  ? What is the true church ?  Can we see it ? Is it still been built today ? Can we be a part of it ?
What about the next claim Jesus makes .
And the gates of hell will never stop it . .
Is that statement that Jesus made been fulfilled ?
Or was he really just a con man setting the world up ?
Those words are prophetic in its nature .
So if those words are true we should be seeing the building of his church the manifestation today..
So is Jesus true to his word this is evidence that he is who the bible says he is the son of God .

What the church is & is not

 It is not some cathedral in Europe or Presbyterian or Baptist building in some town or city, this is a widely held misconception  held by countless millions .
Those are places for Christians to Worship and meet with one another but a true Christian can meet with God anywhere any place at a beach home in a busy city, a building dose not contain the presence of God for a Christian
The bible tells us that our body's are the temple of the holy spirit .
Not a build with a sign saying church on it .
We have all seen church building's most times with a cross some were this is universally accepted as the Christian symbol and marks such buildings as church's .
And we will all say '' There is the church ''.[ I still say this it is part of our way of life so I am not condemning any one for this world wide unbiblical view ].
So if those buildings are not the church that the Christ is building then what is ?

Let's look at what God say's about his Church and Body .

You might think I am bagging the establishment wrong, just hang in there with me .
Well the church is not made up of bricks and timber, no it is not buildings .
It is made up of people who have put there faith and trust in the person of Jesus Christ .
You see biblical truth is what this blog is all about and we are all seeking biblical truth I hope we are .
So we need to look at the scripture's to find that truth .
This is what the bible says about The Church Christ is building.

Colossians 1:18 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the pre-eminence.
Do you see that?
Christ is the head of the body so what is this body THE CHURCH  the bible is talking about?
The body of Christ.
It is people like you and me who have put there faith in him.
We are told this in the following scripture’s   
1 Corinthians 12:27
V 27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

Now some home work for you ! [ Pastors you can use this message to teach your people also ]
More study on the body of Christ can be found in the following scripture's
. Please do take some time to look up those scripture and let God's word time in Gods word is the best place to spend it  .

Romans 12:4-5
1 Corinthians 12:12
Ephesians 4:4
Colossians 1:24
Ephesians 1:22
Ephesians 5:23
Ephesians 2:19-22
1 Corinthians 12:13
Galatians 3:27
Colossians 2:19
1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Ephesians 4:15-16
1 Corinthians 12:25-26
Ephesians 4:25
Ephesians 5:29-30
Colossians 3:15
1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Ephesians 4:11-13


So You Are His Body and part of his church not the building that is just a meeting place .

Personally I have never seen the glory of God in the building itself we call a church no matter how wonderful the art work or magnificent the cathedral .
The truth is that is not the glory of God the art is the glory of a talented man a artist or so on how dare we say this is Gods glory when looking on his true glory we would fall down before him as Isaiah did and cry out for mercy in his holy presence
See Isaiah chapter 6
 I have seen a foretaste of  God's glory in the lives of his dedicated people who worship him live for him and will lay down there own lives dreams and aspiration's to give him service .
This is one place the true glory of God is reflected .
His church [His people ] as described in the bible is the world wide body of believers, that have put there faith and trust in him.
They come from many denominations .

Beware of wolves in the body

Whenever you hear any one church group or preacher saying they are the only people who know God and will make heaven watch out !
This is the first sign of a cult such as the Jehovah's Witness or the Mormons and sadly some Christian church's make the same claim .
Another tell tail sign is this superior attitude that they are above every one else .
This is not biblical and very narrow-minded some church groups the members of such cults will always be easy to spot as once they get going there fanatical ranting and raving becomes unbearable on this issue keep away from them all unless you are deaf or have a good set of ear muffs
The Body of Christ is so much bigger that some man made exclusive club who tend to live by rules not by grace .

So what about other styles and difference's  

 Some worship with guitars some like the older more traditional style but no matter what there difference's they are all part of the body of Christ his church that he is building .    
Jesus said this Matthew v 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.



The Gates of hell can not stop Jesus Christ building his church

The Romans tried to stop the spread and of Christianity, as did the religious Jews and many still do today.
Communist china and Russia burnt hundreds of millions of bibles they burnt down churches and put ten of thousands of Christians in horrific labour camps and many to death .
And many other nations followed in there stupidity.
They clearly never read or realized you can not negate the word of Christ never have and never will .
The evolutionist with there theory headed up by Mr Darwin have had a good go at pulling down God's bible starting with the story of creation .
And although this pack of lies is taught as fact it still is not holding back the tide of people who look at Gods creation daily and acknowledge intelligent design .
The atheist and intellectuals have hammered Christians with Richard Dawkins using every form of media world wide TV books radio and the internet and other available resources to disprove God.
But still the bible stands as the biggest selling book today , people are healed set free from addictions hurt and pain and countless millions claim to have meet with Christ in dreams vision's and visitations .
Sorry Mr Dawkins and Mr Darwin Christ will build his church and the gates of hell and all your stupidity will never stop him .


So what about today

The Muslims in the name of there god & jihad are trying desperately to stop people converting to Christianity by  killing tens of thousands if not millions of Christians with both beheading and Crucifixions setting fire to churches and other atrocities..
Lets not water this down and insult our brothers and sister's in Christ who have suffered and given there lives for Christ .
This is happening daily all over the world and in many of the poor nations it go's unreported due to the lack of communication in those place's
But despite this hundreds of millions make ,Christ there Lord and dedicate there lives to his service.
and that includes tens of thousands of disillusioned Muslims who find the violence and haltered perpetrated by there faith unacceptable there is no love of God in any of it lets face the facts .
So to all my Muslim friends and I do have a lot and to the radical Muslim element Christ is building his church and the gates of hell will not stop it .Jesus Christ will do what he said he will do as he is God .

So why are more people accepting Christ now like never before

There are a number of reason's for this but I would like to focuses on what God said he would do
Because God is not a man that he would lie and when Jesus said those words in the holy bible he will build his church he gave his word. And as the saying go's a man is as good as his word.
To all those who think they will defeat Christ and the building his church and seeing millions follow him you are fighting a losing battle as more and more people follow the Lord Jesus Christ and the bible still remains the biggest selling book in the world as it has done for decades.

The gates of hell will not stop Christ from building his church !

Because God’s way's ways are not mans ways , his thoughts are not mans thoughts he is bigger than mans stupidity and persecution and Satan's plans and lies

There is so much of modern day persecution is going on in different forms so what is God doing about it ?
How can God stand back and let this happen.?
Well the good news is he is not.
He has a plan that is bigger than ours and he is moving on this people group by his spirit.
Intriguing evidence confirms that a huge 350 million people who live as Muslims superficially but have confidentially converted to Christianity has been provided by a principal Christian federation from their end user data all over the world.

The Church converting the Muslims or attempting to influence the conversions is not the reason for this striking conversion in figures.

 In keeping with the best known Muslim testimonial to their conversion, “Jesus appeared to them in dreams or visions” and “showed these people he was the authentic prophet”.

Some people shared that the reason for their transformation was Jesus’ response towards them by means of miracles and answers to prayers.

Reportedly, it has been verified by the Arab Christian sources and data that it is true although that amazing figure absolutely astounded them.

According to the Carnegie Endowment for Worldwide Peace, the Muslim community is currently 2.00 billion people as per the current statistics.

Other reports which have been authorized for some years have confirmed that more than 6 million Muslims in Africa become Christians every year, apart from the ‘mass conversion’ of Muslims in Islamic nations.

In the previous 3.5 years, many Christians are not being encompassed in ‘refugee numbers’ suggesting that they have been executed and more than 3 million Christians are ‘missing’ from Syria currently.

It is claimed that the mass massacre of Christians taking place currently is exactly because of the fact that millions of Muslims have adopted Christianity, and the authorities are aware of the changes that are taking place so are in an attempt to stop it.
What a waste of time maybe they will wake up to the truth that this Jesus is bigger than all there stupidity and foolish actions .

But if the gates of hell will not stop Christ building his kingdom then it stands to reason then all the violence , armies, power, fear and persecution of this current age will not stop him .
 Christ is no historical figure he is a real person who rose from the grave is alive today and fulfilling his word & building his church and tens of millions more converts been won in this end time harvest . 
But Let us all pray as it is the Lords prayer Thy will be done thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven .
Lastly Christian please pray daily for your brothers and sister who live in those area's that are beset by this persecution .

God Bless
Max Lines dip BS Biblical Studies .

To find out more about the conversation of Muslims watch this video