Thursday, 20 August 2015

Are you hot for God ?

Get Hot today

There are three states you can live in for God today .

God tells us they are Cold, lukewarm or hot.
Every day you can make that choice by your actions

Revelation 3:16.
So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.

 Make a choice today ...
 Best choice ...... hot
 Highly recommended 

How to get your fire back 

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples and tongue's of fire appeared on there heads.

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost Acts 2
1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Need a fresh infilling of God's spirit ?
Then seek ,knock, ask .
He might not fill you , when you expect him to but he will fill your soul and set you spirit on fire.... be open .

Don't neglect his word friends 

Lack of his word the bible in your life will kill your relationship with him ?

 Solution .
Turn of the TV and use the hour spent watching the news and the acts of humanity's sinful failings murders, wars ,corruption, rapes 
Its the same filth dished up nightly spewing its stinking smell all over you living room carpet why put up with it be different !
More likely to cause depression no wonder its a major issue with so many folk who sit daily watching junk TV
That hour you waste could be beater spent in his word and i assure you it will revolutionize you life i know i live it there is no TV in my home and there will never be again its a superior lifestyle highly recommended try it .


Also we live in a information age spending hours on social media and getting caught up in a thousand  issues that don't concern you will never feed your spirit .


TURN IT OFF . The world will continue to turn .

Wasting time feeding your mind & spirit on junk food will never lift you to higher ground with your lord .
Sure not many see what your doing but you are only robing your self !
And please don't turn up at church on Sunday bleating about how spiritually dry you feel make some good choices and changes right now take action .

One of the greatest Evangelist who had outstanding success in his ministry was the late smith wiggelsworth .
The hall marks of this man were faith and totally incredible signs and wonders following his preaching that are still talked about today .
Smith raising the dead 

What was different about this man compared to most Christians was his unrelenting devotion to his bible .
He banned even a newspaper's in his home in his home . 
He feed his spirit totally on the bible and grew an incredible faith filled life .

Start feeding you spirit with his word .
One hour will revolutionize your life.
I know I practice this daily .

Spend time listing and talking to God slow down take time be alone with him in his presence.
Also never neglect to fellowship in a good local church and get involved with your brothers and sisters in Christ .

Psalm 39 v 3 my heart grew hot within me.
While I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue:

Those are some practical steps to getting you fire back with Jesus .
But don't neglect to walk holy before him .
forgive were there is a need and repent of any sin daily .

God Bless Max Lines .
Dip’s BS; [Biblical Studies].

 My gifts and callings as a Evangelist and do ministry have been acknowledged and i am active in my local church and community bringing hope faith salvation & prayer to the down cast .
I also use my gift of music to lift up many souls .
updated 22 jan 2017
I also believe the internet is one of the most powerful tools to reach out to all nations,to be salt and light .
  I am now on twitter godtweets777 - Facebook  Max Lines and  You Tube Max Lines  - Along with this blog and developing more content daily .

I use all those net platforms to spread God's word this all takes time and resources .
At this time I am reaching a average of 200 +  people a day  this number is growing daily due to twitter automation software updated this jan 2017  .
I have the ability and skills to make beater  web sites and video but need financial resources for more software, if you would like to help i would appreciate it
Thanks God Bless Max Lines New Zealand .

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