Thursday, 6 August 2015

Jesus drops in

An encounter with Jesus 

 Have you ever an encounter with the risen Christ ? 

 The resurrection of Christ .
The bible claims that after his crucifixion and burial Jesus Christ was raised from the dead on the third day he then appeared to his disciples and 500 other witness.

 After this he ascended to heaven.

Do you believe this ? 
If not please don't leave me at this point keep an open mind but more importantly a open heart .

The authorities of the day tried to suppress those events by ordering the apostles to be silent and not even speak in his name.

The difficulty the authorities faced was that there were so many folk that witness the risen Lord after his resurrection there was no way to suppress the truth word was out.

So what about today's world ? 
Well the word is still out there HE IS RISEN ! communists and many other ideologies have still got problems with this today .
As they shut down burn down churches burn millions of bible forbid even small gatherings of Christians and try to eradicate the truth .
Just as did the Roman and Orthodox Jews in Jesus time persecuted the christian .
But has it worked no you see you cant keep a good man down the grave could not hold Jesus and the good news of his resurrection has been unstoppable . 

Seems this man called Jesus is truly unstoppable how strange ! how wonderful !

Millions of Muslims have prayed to God and asked for truth and Jesus has shown up in dreams and millions have been converted to Christ .

Many who have had NDE near death experiences have visited heaven and seen Jesus talked to him and Know and believe he is alive today [Check out the thousands of testimony's on you tube ]
You see Jesus is alive and can meet people and there needs right were they are the grave is empty my friend .
This has been well documented by the way .
We might not meet him in a visitation dream or vision but simply by faith and trusting in him we will get to know his voice his peace his presence and so much more .

 Biblical accounts .

In the book of acts it is recorded that the early church came under very server persecution .
Christians were stoned, thrown to the lions .
  One man who was appointed to order the killing and persecution of those early Christians, was a Jew by the name of Saul.
But the Lord could see ahead of all the evil that Saul had done and had a plan for Saul's life and future. 
So Saul while traveling to Damascus had a very powerful encounter with the risen Christ and conversion experience you can read about this in the new testament in the book of acts chapter 9 
It an amazing story and also demonstrates the forgiveness and grace that God extends to fallen humanity.

Saul's name was changed to Paul the apostle who wrote much of our new testament letters after his encounter with Jesus.

The phrase 'Jesus drops in 'would not to be disrespectful to our Lord .
 To use the above phrase would be a way of bringing this truth to a modern world that this Jesus is no dead founder of some dead religion ! most certainly not 1
I hopefully and prayerful trust that the reader will understand that Jesus is alive today and we are all able to talk, walk and know him daily and maybe we will get to meet with him.
 And each one of who know and follow him certainly will when death call's us home to heaven . 

Seeing and Believing

I have meet many christian who have never experienced a vision, dream or visitation from the Lord.
There are millions of Christian who have taken God at this word.
 This is not blind faith its faith in action trusting in God's word as God is not a man that he should lie 
But they have a certainty about there Lord and his risen state .

Those dear blessed folk are trust God and trust his word the bible .
So there are many believers that have had encounters dreams . vision, even visitations of Christ but there is a huge amount who have not .
So whats the difference between those who have had encounters and those who have not ? 
Well we can find this out from the scriptures in John 20 when Thomas meets with the risen Christ.

 John Chapter 20 .24-29 :

 24 Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came.

25 The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.”
So he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”

26 And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!”

27 Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”

28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”


Jesus never promised every one or any one that they would see him . 

I have meet thousands of people who have said the sinners prayer or prayed in some way accepting Christ, but never got the warm fuzzes or saw a vision no experiences of that nature at the time of there conversion. 
Many of those have been disappointed especially when comparing there silent conversion with some spiritual giant who seems to have all the goodies , like as in one who has had a experience with Christ that was dramatic . [I put myself in that group.]

Faith in Christ is not dependent on emotion or a personal experience its is just what it is faith in Christ .

Our accepting Christ as Lord should be based on faith and if you feel disappointed with Jesus in this regard I hope the above scriptures will bring some clarity of what Jesus said .
 But you my friend are more blessed than me .
As yes I have had many vision's dreams and the like

Soon I will post some of those personal encounters I have had with Jesus as a way of encouragement .

God Bless you see you next time when you drop by also .

Max Lines Dip .BS Biblical Studies .  

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