Friday, 30 September 2016

God’s Holy Spirit

Is God’s Holy Spirit leading me in this wilderness?

Ever asked God that ?

You meet Jesus and God fills you with his spirit.
You’re on this almost high for lack of a beater word .
You have been diligently seeking the Holy Spirits leading.
Yes that is sound and biblical,
After seeking the Holy Spirits leading he takes you into a very undesirable situation were every thing is difficult to say the least!
Like the chairs are hard even if you have one!
Yet you were 100% sure this was the leading of the Holy Spirit? 

Seeking counsel good friends assure you we all get it wrong now and then “Maybe you’re just not listening to God enough “”You lack faith “another tells you.
It seems at this point in time every one is a expert at running God’s business for him.
Well yea they mean well.
But there is that knowing the spirit led you to this place /situation.
So what is up with all this is this experience is it even biblical?
Well yes it can be and yes the leading of the spirit of God will not necessarily take you to some wonderful fun filled comfort zone.
Like were are the waters as in psalm 23.?

No seeking the leading of the spirit of God is not always going to take you to a 5 star Hilton in Miami despite what so many well meaning prosperity pastors may preach.
You see his leading has nothing to do with your personal desires.
God’s not running a feel good amusement park he’s no Disney land guild.
The kingdom and God's will & purpose’s are not in our way of thinking especially in our let's all feel good live good western culture .

So many people come to Christ thinking this will be the good life sad the gospel is so often presented this way “Come to Jesus and you will be happy daily “ 
Sure there is a joy there are those moments of great Joy with God but don’t think its all roses when God wants to lead you in a way to accomplish his will and purpose's .
It’s his will that needs to be done not yours.
Seem to recall some one teaching 12 guys how to pray thy will be done thy kingdom come .
not my will be done my kingdom come .
Let’s look at the leading of the spirit in our master’s life.
John was preaching and baptizing in the Jordan Jesus went to him to be baptized by him a voice thundered from heaven this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased the father, just could not contain his joy and excitement. The Holy Spirit was seen as a dove coming down upon Jesus in bodily form.
This was the beginning of the son of God’s ministry a ministry that would change the world 
.It was a pivotal moment in time 
Then in Matthew 4  Then was Jesus led up of the spirit in to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil 
Mark chapter 1 v 12 it was immediately after the baptism of Jesus that he was driven into the wilderness by the spirit.
The bible even says driven instead of led 
The spirit of God is out to lead us into the place were he needs us to be to accomplish Gods purposes for two reasons to work in our hearts and to establish his will in our lives and establish his kingdom .
Jesus ended up in a desert place fasting for forty days and then been tested to the limit by Satan.
Just maybe now or at some time in the future the spirit of God’s leading makes no sense to you? 
Your in a desert experience it lonely there’s not much to eat spiritually or even physically you feel dry even confused why would the spirit of God have lead me here you ask your self and God over and over .
Think of Jesus had he got it right has he really been led by the spirit nothing in the scripture indicates he doubted but we just don’t know what he was thinking as he marched of into the wildness?
Sitting in a desert hungry after 40 days of fasting .Then been tempted to the extreme .
Now lets put ourselves in his place man I can hear the moaning from here.
So we are then challenged .
But this is the lesson here the spirit of God doe not always lead and direct us in our plans our will that why the bible states over and over to give those up die to self and then the spirit can truly direct a life 100% surrendered to him . 
sorry 99.5% just will not cut it he demands all . .

Was this desert place really the leading of God’s spirit for Jesus ?
Yes it turns out it was and until the purpose God had planed there that was over coming the temptation of Satan God's plan and ministry could not be activated .
 But right on cue the forty days were over the battle won by the son of God the activation button pushed and the greatest ministry ever known to man kind began to unfold before the world to change history and mankind's access to the holy father forever there was no moving on for our Lord till the temptation was over , he just had to stay there.

Sometime's the spirit of God lead’s us to a place we just do not won’t to be a situation circumstance a geographical location but we had just beater get used to it !
The spirit and the father will never move you on till his plan and purpose for leading you there in the first place will be worked out .
The writer is writing from a biblical point of view and also personal experiences with the holy spirits leading . 
This go’s against every thing we are conditioned to and taught in our western culture 
You can hear the grumbling now.” Why put up with that “You deserve beater than that “You need to step out and move forward” and on and on the cliches go.
And add to that the new age law of attraction philosophy and God's very reason for placing you on the face of this earth will be lost i a cloud you been God doing your own thing. 
And God will never move you on if you are grumbling and complaining think about the people of Israel in the desert.
Here we go again once more around the block they would say. 
I kings 12 v 18 that the spirit of the Lord shall carry thee wither I know not.
Jesus talked about the spirit of the Lord as a wind blowing were ever it will.
That was like a metaphor there is a freedom with the spirit of God moving through out the earth.
Leading moving touching lives when we least expect it in ways we don’t except 
So lets not think in the natural when the spirit of the lord leads us to a place we don’t wont to be yet deep down we know it’s the place he wants us to be give thanks rejoice and let him out work his plan for you till he moves you on .
But I hope that this short teaching time will show you in all the disappointment you might feel at the spirit’s leading that you will learn you are no longer the master that he will lead you were ever he will’s and there will be those times he will lead you to the places of peace and calm but there are other times he will lead you to the desert experiences.
Bless your walk with Jesus Max Lines [dip BS biblical study's ]

Jesus said go into all the world and share the good news .
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For more read Ministry updated 22 Jan post 2017


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