Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Good night sleep tight .


The gift of Sleep
Psalm 127:2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he gives his beloved sleep.
God wants to give us the gift of sleep.
You are his beloved and good sleep is essential for both good physical and mental health.
Don’t be robed of Gods gift to you.
As Christians, we can learn so much from the bible.
But a word of warning there is very little point in reading the instruction manual on life then going away and not applying it to our lives.
Have I done that?
Sure every Christian has at some point .
But by hiding the word of God in our hearts the Holy Spirit he will bring it to our notice at the appropriate time.
Psalm 119:11 your word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you
Psalm 119:105 your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Lets acknowledge the gifts that God gives to his beloved children and take full advantage of there benefits.
God longs to bless and do us all good .

Some practical advice
I will share with you now something I have discovered .
 If I allow it then I will be robed of Gods gift of sleep.
This was pointed out to me by health professionals some years ago.
I am sure it will be help full to you also
It is to stay away from caffeine and sugar and other stimulants after 12 pm.
Coffee, Tea and Coke and worse still energy drinks are very bad in this regard also candy chocolate and foods high in sugar add alcohol and or  illegal drugs and you really have not got a show of a good nights rest .
Get in control your the boss of your temple .
Don’t get angry at God if you wake up grumpy [or your wife or husband ] you will be the one who is robbing yourself of the gift he has for you .
I have friend who often works right through to 3 am well that person drinks 16 cups of tea a day so its not surprising with that much caffeine in the system any sleep would ever be possible at all !
Sleep deprivation is a painful condition both mentally and physically and has been used as a form of torture to extract secrets from spies and so on it is no joke it is a very serious condition.
I have experienced some very serious sleep deprivation at one stage of my life I will not go into the circumstances but I will assure you it is agony and I would not wish it on any one.
It was never Gods purpose plan and will that we should suffer in this way it is Satan who comes to rob steal and destroy.
But sadly millions of Christians fall for his wicked plans and also make mistakes and rob themselves .
The Christian church should be leading the word in areas such as this not the opposite way around . 
So do be wary and in control of those stimulants and sugars .
Stay away from bad news
Psalm 127 V 2
It is vain for you to rise up early, To sit up late,
To eat the bread of sorrows; For so He gives His beloved sleep
What is the bread of sorrows?
Well it is found in the media try sitting up late watching the late night news and listing to talk back radio then get on the internet there's a great feast of sorrows to be had.
Avoid the bad news before sleep .
Sadly as humans we gravitate to this stuff and marketers no the power of those juicy morsels of destruction that’s why they pay countless millions to display there products along side all the doom and gloom of this world.
Rape ,murders, wars ,suicides, political tensions, earth quakes, refuge crisis’s and so much more juicy delights are dished up right before bed time to entice us into more depression and anxiety . 
Do we need to be informed?
Before sleeping?
So don't sit around feeding your mind and spirit on the bad news it’s a receipt for insomnia.
The bead of sorrows will rob you of the gift God has for you sleep .
If you lie in bed thinking on some difficulty in your life or in the world this will also rob you of sleep protect and train your mind don't ever underestimate the value of this principle
Sleep time is switch off time for your mind that has been pounded with information in this high tech world .
Get control of your mind
Any one can do this you might won’t to alter a few things as what works well for one person will not always work well for another but the principle is to take control you are the boss of your thoughts not the other way around.
 You also have a big God who will help you and never leave you so take control think on good stuff its scriptural

Replace those thoughts of bad news and worry with psalm 23 start saying confessing

23 The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;

He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Read it memorize it repeat it to yourself over and over and out loud if you can and picture in your mind a lovely river where there is a blue sky and still water this might be a place you know and have great memory’s of.
Now see and feel your self sitting enjoying the sun enjoying the river the place psalm 23 talks about get into the presence of God .

Don’t picture a place you might have had a bad experience at some point in time or the power of association will come in to play and things will go from bad to worse, soon you will be back were you started from .

I developed this method and I use this often

 If you try this your mind will switch back to the worrying thoughts in the early stages that’s because you mind has been in control not you so begin to practice and over time you will train it .
So who’s in control here YOU ARE .
Regular practice and training of your mind is like exercise to your physical body and in time this method along with Psalm 23 will help you but if you have not tried this before it will take effort persistence and time to see results don't force it just be patience .  

  Don’t forget you have a friend who is there to help

  Jesus shoulders are a lot broader and stronger that mine or yours.
 So cast all your cares on him before you sleep pray hand over and ask him to take any concerns he is there for you

1 Peter 5:7

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

If you have never asked God for the gift of sleep he talks about in the psalm 127 v2 then isn't it time you asked him ?
Ask and it will be given seek and you shall find knock and the door will be open . 


I can never understate it enough .

 God cares and loves us all and wants’ to do us good so lets not rob our very own heavenly father of the gifts he has fore us .

 God Bless all with a good nights sleep


Max Lines Dip ;BS [Biblical studies ].


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