The fall of
Who said I will be like the most high?
Well many a
man has tried to become like God.
There is a popular
teaching especially amounts the new age movement that we can become like God or
are God
So going
back to my original question who said I WILL be like the most high?
It was the
Lucifer [see scriptures below] an angel of God cherubim an angel of praise who was worshiping in the holy place before the throne of God.
Why Satan
perverts music on earth .
wondered why so much music has satanic themes in it because Satan has a great interest
in music as he was the angel of praise before he fell so he enters the heart of musicians and
uses this gift he once had to worship God to pervert mankind.
This is especially
so in a lot of heavy rock music not all hay and some rock is rather cool it’s
the lyrics and spirit behind it that makes it that draws the distinction.
Do you
really think the song ‘’ Highway to hell ‘’will be heard in Gods throne room in
Hope you
get it no offence intended to all those AC/DC fans
Our will or
God’s will
How many
times did Lucifer say I will?
Isaiah 14 V
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be
like the Most High.
Let’s look
at the fall of Lucifer as recorded in Isaiah 14
V 12
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer,
son of the morning!
How you are
cut down to the ground,
You who
weakened the nations!
V 13
for you have said in your heart:
‘I will
ascend into heaven,
I will
exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also
sit on the mount of the congregation
On the
farthest sides of the north;
V 14
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be
like the Most High.’
V 15
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the
lowest depths of the Pit
Notice that
Satan said in his rebellion I WILL five times
[Word Sheol
means hell ]
Satan the
father of lies
So who
pulled out this same cheap trick and cause mankind to fall into sin in the Garden
of Eden?
Genesis chapter 3 v5
“You will
not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.
v 5
“For God knows that when you eat from it your
eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Do you see
that YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD and then came the fall of man into sin
Satan is
the father of all lies and he is the master of deception.
What a
cheap trick and were did he get it from?
He got it from his own fall from the throne of God .
He got it from his own fall from the throne of God .
When ever
we as Christians start this I WILL then lets consider its not I WILL BUT HIS WILL.
Hay and I have said the I will many times as we all have but it’s a case of constantly
reminding myself not to and it's his will that I need to full fill ..
That we
should be putting first his will not ours.
Jesus said
in teaching his disciples to pray in the Lords prayer
kingdom come. Your will be done
So from all
of this study we can learn those valuable lessons
1 Any religion
or faith or even preacher church that teachers you can be God is in danger of
been cut down God hates this.
This can
lead to total anarchy and destruction also such as the people who started to
worship Hitler and many other tyrants some still on the face of this earth
North Korea been one of the worst demanding God worship of there leader.
2 We especially
in the west are taught over and over about our dreams our will do it our way
hang on what about his way his will.
It’s not
about our will friends it’s about his will and his plans for our lives and his
way so lets GFI [Go for it] his way.
Lastly I have talked a lot about Satan his
lies deception and his rebellion before God.
So to make
sure I do not give him any glory this will be his end because of the work at Calvary by our Lord Jesus Christ.
God will
have the last say concerning were Satan and all who follow him well dwell for eternity.
20 v10 New King James Version (NKJV)
10 The
devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where
the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night
forever and ever.
Praise you
Lord Jesus Christ amen.
Max Lines Dip BS [Biblical Studies]
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